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The Potter Perplexity

Geschreven door  op in Opinie, The Mobile Life.

Lately, I’ve been taking the time to read again. I’ve started by re-reading the Harry Potter series. Being a fourteen year old boy, I grew up alongside Mr. Potter and his friends, having been a fan ever since. Reading a book again forces me to focus on one task, and ignore everything else, which isn’t easy in this connected world.

Traveling to Copenhagen and Prague past few days, I wanted to continue reading, but also travel very light. Packing a few books defeated the purpose, so I went onto Pottermore and got myself the complete collection in ePub, and loaded them up onto my iPad. Checking which chapter I was, I opened the corresponding page onto my iPad Mini, and off I went. Airplane rides are much more interesting when you read, compared to watching a TV series or a film. In fact, in the six days I was out of the country I didn’t once watched one of the films loaded up on my tablet. I just love books!

I love the feeling, smell and reading quality of paper. But I love the fact that my iPad can be read in the dark, and I’m carrying the entire collection at once is also very interesting. And when I’m done reading I can start working on the same device.

So, after reading book Three and most of book Four I landed back in Belgium. So now comes the conundrum that I’ve been thinking about.

I have a complete set of identical books on my shelf, and on my iPad. Which one shall I continue to read on? 

I’m not sure Dumbledore himself would have a clear answer on this brain teaserHarry Potter eBooks vs Paper

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