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Antwerp Zoo’s new Savanna

Geschreven door  op in Lokaal Nieuws, The Mobile Life.

When talking about zoo’s, the current way of thinking it are small cages and sad animals. It’s a good thing that in Belgium we have the KMDA.  Governing two research zoo’s and a Centre for Research and Conservation, it’s one of Belgians pride in animal welfare and zoology.

Today, KMDA director Dries Herpoelaert, together with Flemish minister for Animal Welfare Ben Weyts opened a brand new 1.5 ha savanna, where six cape buffaloes and two hundred fifty tropical birds will live together in a gorgeous new birdcage consisting of a woven net, made of 2.5 mm thick steel wire, totalling almost 3 square kilometres. Joining them was a class who got the honour of preparing food and a mud-bath for these massive beauties. Let’s take a look at the festivities. The savanna will open to the public early July.

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A brand new restaurant was also opened, with a great overview of the savanna.
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Themed Trays
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Pasta 4 Cheeses!

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