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Game Of Thrones battles piracy

Geschreven door  op in Cultuur, The Mobile Life.

Game Of Thrones Season 5 Key Art Game Of Thrones Season 5 Key Art

What happens when you create the most popular show in recent TV history? Everybody wants to see it! The problem with this is that we are a global community, and TV is still botched up in sections and regions. Sometimes it takes months or even years until shows premiere in other locations. With the spoiler field that is the internet it’s hard to avoid things we want to discover for ourselves.

In an attempt to curb that piracy, things are changing. As of Sunday the 12th, the episodes will be either aired, or available with on-demand series in 170 countries.

Of course. For most of these countries, the offer is limited to the one HBO partner available, which may not always be the option you are hoping for. For example, In Belgium all HBO content is distributed by Telenet, but Game Of Thrones is available in the top tier of their On Demand service. Still bad news for cable cutters globally.

This is of course in a stark contrast with Netflix that is slowly but surely offering series in real-time with partnerships in the states like Breaking Bad’s spin-off series Better Call Saul. The cable-less HBO Go subscription in the states through AppleTV is also a great step forward.

So it won’t completely abolish Piracy, but it’s a great step in the right direction, which we can only applaud.

About that first episode we are all waiting for? We had the chance to experience it in the Telenet HQ, and let me tell you, there will be blood, naked people and all the deliciously acted Westeros-politics that we have come to love in the past years. Bring it on!

Game Of Thrones Telenet Press Event Game Of Thrones Telenet Press Event

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